Parents for Parents

What is Parents for Parents (P4P)?
Parents for Parents (P4P) is a peer support program that provides mentoring and guidance to parents involved with the child welfare system. The program provides early outreach and education to help shift parental attitudes from anger and resentment to acknowledgment and acceptance, which enhances the parents’ engagement in their court-ordered plans.
Mentoring is provided by Parent Allies (PAs), parents who successfully navigated the child welfare system, accept responsibility for the factors involved in their child’s dependency, and are eager to help other parents succeed. PAs receive extensive training and supervision to provide professional support to parents and work collaboratively with court stakeholders.

Parents for Parents is a court-based engagement, peer mentoring and education program that has proven effective in promoting safe and timely reunification of children with their parents.
The Basics

The Parents for Parents program was piloted by The Children's Society in the state of Washington and is now being implemented in every county of Washington as well as being replicated in other state counties across the US.
The History
How Does This Work?
Parent Allies (PAs) meet with parents in the courthouse at their first hearing after the filing of a
petition by child protection services. Parents are terrified, confused, angry, and alone. PAs
gives parents someone they can relate to and offers hope that reunification is possible.
This one-time, two-hour, PA-led class educates parents about the child welfare system
they must navigate to reunify with their children. The class provides tips, tools, and
resources that empower parents to be successful while supporting understanding of
their children’s needs.
PAs continue to support parents by providing
follow-up encouragement and guidance to community resources. Virtual and phone
support is also available to assist parents to overcome barriers in their case and
encourage success.